The All Results Journals appoints Section Editors to assist with peer-review process

“The All Results Journals' immediate goal is to provide scientists with responsible and balanced information in order to improve experimental designs and clinical decisions”, comments Dr. David Alcantara, Editor-in-Chief of this journal.

The importance and usefulness of negative results is something that is arguably overlooked in the scientific arena; they are often perceived as less important due to the fact that they fail to confirm various hypotheses. This view however is gradually changing, with a growing awareness of how constructive and useful they can actually be to science.

The All Results Journals promotes the publication of negative results and data in Chemistry, Biology, Physics and Nanotechnology, and supports the idea that scientists should be provided with balanced information which can offer a more complete scientific record, thereby reducing the risk of publication bias or later rebuttal of research. Dr. Alcantara, also strongly believe that “such "negative" observations and conclusions, based on rigorous experimentation and thorough documentation, ought to be published in order to be discussed, confirmed or refuted by others”.

Perhaps in reflection of this rising awareness of the importance of publishing negative results, 2011 saw an increase in submissions to The All Results Journals, leading to the recruitment of a number of Section Editors to provide their scientific expertise to assist with the peer-review process. The hope is that adopting this model will lead not only to a more efficient peer-review process, but also an improved capacity to publish even more of this incredibly valuable research.

To submit your manuscript documenting negative data or results, please click in "SUBMIT A MANUSCRIPT" in the journal of interest. If you are interested in writing a Commentary article about your views on negative results, please email to discuss your proposal.

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